Mugeta, Tanzania
Mugeta is a rural village in the north-east of Tanzania. Located in the semi-arid Bunda district above Serengeti National Park, Mugeta is home to a diverse and vibrant culture of hospitable people.
But with the longstanding poverty, residents of Mugeta face many challenges:
High levels of unemployment: it is estimated that 30-50% of the population is jobless. Without a steady sources of income, the entire family suffers.
Food insecurity: lack of accessibility to affordable, fresh food and clean water for drinking, hygiene, and agricultural purposes.
Poor living conditions: The majority of villagers live in thatched mud huts with no electricity and little access to safe water.
Poor healthcare facilities: High incidence of infectious disease (HIV/AIDS, malaria and other tropical diseases) and chronic malnutrition.
Low life expectancy (average- 60.85 years): Increased mortality; many children are orphaned and must live with distant relatives or grand-parents.
Despite the fact that agriculture is the predominant means of livelihood, Mugeta Village faces major challenges in restoring and maintaining food crop production.