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Mugeta, Tanzania

Mugeta is a rural village in the north-east of Tanzania. Located in the semi-arid Bunda district above Serengeti National Park, Mugeta is home to a diverse and vibrant culture of hospitable people. 

But with the longstanding poverty, residents of Mugeta face many challenges: 


  •  High levels of unemployment: it is estimated that 30-50% of the population is jobless. Without a steady sources of income, the entire family suffers.

  • Food insecurity:  lack of accessibility to affordable, fresh food and clean water for drinking, hygiene, and agricultural purposes. 

  •  Poor living conditions: The majority of villagers live in thatched mud huts with no electricity and little access to safe water.

  • Poor healthcare facilities: High incidence of infectious disease (HIV/AIDS, malaria and other tropical diseases) and chronic malnutrition.

  • Low life expectancy (average- 60.85 years): Increased mortality; many children are orphaned and must live with distant relatives or grand-parents.


Despite the fact that agriculture is the predominant means of livelihood, Mugeta Village faces major challenges in restoring and maintaining food crop production. 

Made in Mugeta


Maji Mazuri Project

One water well,

countless lives improved.

HFH Sustainable Farm

Growing opportunities

for a better life.

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